Winter iPhone Photos

If you follow me on instagram chances are in the last year you have seen a lot of similar/ familiar/ recurring landscape shots because well I haven’t had a whole lot of other things to photograph really. I keep wanting to change it up believe me, I miss my portrait session, equine events, rodeos, and really everything. But covid is firmly keeping my bookings low, because of safety and because realistically my service is a luxury not a necessity.

Welp, enough of covid, time to focus on more iPhone photos of the same location/s. If you can’t tell most of these were taken roughly in the same location/s I have taken and posted various other version expect these are in winter featuring snow or cool winter skies. Honestly they were even taken while I was driving which I 10/10 don’t recommend for safety purposes but it makes it more fun for the daredevil in me who misses narrowing being thrown from the rodeo rail by bucking bulls.